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Logo Feira das Formas Animadas

Round Table

Production and Subsistence of Puppeteers in Brazil

Mediation: Rodrigo Andrade

OCTOBER, 16th | 22h

Teatro Sobrevento

42 Cel. Albino Bairao Street Belenzinho, São Paulo

Imagem de rodapé

Production and Subsistence of Puppeteers in Brazil

At this table, festival participants and guests, VANDER LINS (coordinator of special projects at the Municipal Department of Culture) and CARLOS GOMES (Coordinator of Performing Arts at ITAÚ CULTURAL, will reflect on post-pandemic hiring and the paths that theater can be taken in the city of São Paulo.

Carlos Gomes, Performing Arts coordinator at Itaú Cultural.

He has a bachelor's degree in Performing Arts from Unicamp since 2001 and a degree in Pedagogy from UFSCar since 2016. Currently studying for a master's degree in Cultural Economics from UFRGS. He was a member of Grupo do Santo (1998 to 2005). He conceived and directed the project “Esse Teatro gives Samba” with young people from the Jardim Ângela region, being included in the VAI Program (2006 and 2007). He received the 2008 Researcher Award from the CCSP where he researched São Paulo samba, publishing 1 book and 7 short documentaries “Um batuque memorial no Samba Paulistano”. Coordinated the Theater Promotion program (2014-2015). He is coordinator of the performing arts nucleus at Itaú Cultural (since 2016).

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