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Logo Feira das Formas Animadas



OCTOBER, 15th | 22h

Teatro Arthur Azevedo

955 Paes de Barros Avenue Mooca - São Paulo

OCTOBER, 16th | 0h

Teatro Sobrevento

42 Cel. Albino Bairao Street Belenzinho, São Paulo

Imagem de rodapé


The stage adaptation of the novel “Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus” offered to him is a delight for the eyes and ears, a subtle mixture of grace and torment. This apparent fiction oscillates between the confused margins of the divine and the carnal and can transform human existence into a long imaginary sentence. Therefore, you will be able to witness the images recreated by the company Viajemmóvil about the conception of a creature from pieces of cadavers. That's what this story is about, written more than two centuries ago by a nineteen-year-old girl: Mary Shelley.

The Company



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