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Mostra Lambe Lambe

The Princess Earring

BandeiraNorma Nacsa


OCTOBER, 12th | 15h

Chácara do Jockey

5300 Professor Francisco Morato Avenue Vila Sônia, São Paulo


A gold earring presented to a newborn princess: this is the beginning of a story of discoveries, knowledge, ideas, achievements and the magic that our dreams contain.

An excerpt from the history of a people from the Gold Coast in Africa is the starting point for this show that values, values ​​and highlights the positive diversity and richness of the African continent, in a playful and fun way.

The characters were created using abayomi dolls, a technique that gives the material a larger and more significant dimension. These dolls were never made by enslaved mothers for their daughters during the crossing, a romanticized image of what relationships were like in tumbeiros. But they are the materialization of struggle, resistance, desires and dreams, in a human sphere that man himself has lost. They are rather affective forms of contact with ancestry and history.

Based on the book LEGENDS OF MODERN AFRICA by Heloisa Pires Lima and Maria Tavares Andrade.

Scenario, characters, interpretation were developed based on research into the people, culture, customs, design, music, history and geography of the region and its people.

The Company
